In the Presence of Enemies - Acts 23:12-35
The Lord Stands By - Acts 22:22-23:11
The Righteous One - Acts 22:6-22
The Worst of Sinners - Acts 21:27-22:5
The Fellowship of Suffering - Acts 21:27-36
The Triumph of Grace - Acts 21:17-26
I Am Ready - Acts 21:1-16
The Fruit of the Spirit Is . . . Tears? - Acts 20:17-38
Sundays, Scripture, & Sacrament - Acts 20:7-16
Declare His Love & Faithfulness - Psalm 92
Nunc Dimittis - Luke 2:25-35
The Magnificat - Luke 1:46-55
Gloria In Excelsis Deo - Luke 2:8-14
The Benedictus - Luke 1:67-79
The Encouragement of Companions - Acts 20:1-6
Commotion - The Word and the Way Opposed: Acts 19:21-41
The Prevailing Power of God - Acts 19:1-20
Teachers and Disciples - Acts 18:18-28
Unafraid in Corinth - Acts 18:1-17
He Is Not Far! Acts 17:22-34